Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Recipe Coming Soon.....

Just a quick note to those of you reading the blog. I will blog soon and post a incredible new recipe that you just have to try. YUM!

Most of you know and some of you don't that I have severe RA (Rhuematoid Arthritis). It has been giving me a fit the last couple of weeks (more so than usual) so I have had to slow down just a bit. I have had it for years and I don't give into it much...but had to chill out a bit this time.

Went to see the SATC premier last night with a bunch of my girlfriends and had a fantastic time. Thank God for good girlfriends. Don't ever let the special women in your life get misplaced. They are so special. So to all the special women in my life.....I love you very much!!

Blog to you soon.......


Victoria said...

My invitation to see SATC with you guys must have gotten lost in the mail, huh?! LOL! I'm going on Wednesday and I can't wait!

Ann said... won't forget you next time. I have 2 free passes....if you would like to go with me. It is worth seeing again.

My invitation to dinner last night got lost in my husband's mind somewhere yesterday when he said "btw...(it is 8p)Vik called me today about going to dinner at Granny's to eat with her and George". I said "what time are we supposed to be there"? His reply "Well, I think it was 5 o'clock. Was....WHAT!! So I missed out on a good home cooked meal and seeing you guys because Alan well, Forgot.

So I am extending a invitation to dinner and a movie or just dinner this week whenever you guys can go.....our treat!! Luv Ya.

btw...thanks for taking one for the home team at the pool this weekend!!

The Chapins said...

Aunt Ann!!! I'm so glad you went to see it on opening night...there was nothing like it. We need a new recipe! : ) Do you happen to have one that involves a quick and easy way to make chicken and dumplings?? I still haven't mastered that recipe. Even if it requires a lot of steps..I need to know how!! :) Love ya.

Ann said...

I will do my best Teryn to find my Mom's chicken and dumpling recipe. It was really good. I have a whole box of her recipes that I am going through and I know it is are a girl after my own heart. Chicken & Dumplings is one of my favorite's too. I have a good one for Pot Pie too....

St. of Words said...

who cares if you got rooomatoid or however you spell it..give us a darn recipe to feed our families!! totally kidding.
i really hope you are taking to slow down and take care of yourself. food can come later, go get pampered.

miss you guys! by the way, do you have crockpot recipes? if so, give me your personal email and let's talk

Ann said...

Tawni - you are so sweet - email me at -

I have tons of recipes....I will check out my slow cooker file and pick out a few good ones to send you...let me know what kinds of things you and Thad like to eat or if there are certain things you can't.

I will be posting a recipe soon on the blog...stay tuned.....