Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Drain the Rotel

I can't believe I didn't put (drain) beside the Rotel on the recipe I posted on the 12th. So if you make this recipe please drain the Rotel as it can make a touch watery if you don't. Can't call me stupid because I caught this before anyone made it. (I hope). See below...

Now, if you read It's a Pilots Life and Victorias Secrets you will notice they made a list of things they would like to say to someone but don't. Loved it. It is so true though. There are some people who just make you think things that you really shouldn't have to think if they weren't so stupid, thoughtless or so into themselves that they just don't see the whole picture.

I just would like to say that the thing I would like to say (maybe yell) to some people is:

Are you Stupid? What on earth are you thinking? OOOHHH, you're NOT!!

That about covers it for me. I can about sum up the vast majority of stupids that cross my path with that one for other folks that do other things, well, I will save that for another day.

Everyone have a wonderful day and watch out for the not so smart!! ha,ha,ha. Well, they can't all be smart like we Right?


The Pilot's Wife said...

I am glad you cleared up the draining of the rotel. I am not a cook and I do recipes verbatum! Once I left the juice in the spinach dip-gross- I have not made it yet, but intend to this week!

Victoria said...

Thanks so much for clearing that up! That's why my ROTEL turned out ROTTEN! LOL!