Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Recipe Coming Soon.....

Just a quick note to those of you reading the blog. I will blog soon and post a incredible new recipe that you just have to try. YUM!

Most of you know and some of you don't that I have severe RA (Rhuematoid Arthritis). It has been giving me a fit the last couple of weeks (more so than usual) so I have had to slow down just a bit. I have had it for years and I don't give into it much...but had to chill out a bit this time.

Went to see the SATC premier last night with a bunch of my girlfriends and had a fantastic time. Thank God for good girlfriends. Don't ever let the special women in your life get misplaced. They are so special. So to all the special women in my life.....I love you very much!!

Blog to you soon.......

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Drain the Rotel

I can't believe I didn't put (drain) beside the Rotel on the recipe I posted on the 12th. So if you make this recipe please drain the Rotel as it can make a touch watery if you don't. Can't call me stupid because I caught this before anyone made it. (I hope). See below...

Now, if you read It's a Pilots Life and Victorias Secrets you will notice they made a list of things they would like to say to someone but don't. Loved it. It is so true though. There are some people who just make you think things that you really shouldn't have to think if they weren't so stupid, thoughtless or so into themselves that they just don't see the whole picture.

I just would like to say that the thing I would like to say (maybe yell) to some people is:

Are you Stupid? What on earth are you thinking? OOOHHH, you're NOT!!

That about covers it for me. I can about sum up the vast majority of stupids that cross my path with that one for other folks that do other things, well, I will save that for another day.

Everyone have a wonderful day and watch out for the not so smart!! ha,ha,ha. Well, they can't all be smart like we Right?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I want to wish all the Mom's a very Happy Mother's Day today. I hope you get to do all that your heart desires. Let them pamper you all day and enjoy it!! Sometimes it is hard to enjoy your day because we are Mom's. But it is ok......that is what this day is for.

This is for all the Women in My Life..................

Time passes. Life happens. Distance separates. Children grow up. Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes. Men don't do what they're supposed to do. Hearts break.
Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Careers end.

BUT.........The women in your life are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach. When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on Praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on Your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the Valley's' end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you...Or come in and carry you out when you can't make it ........Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law , sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers, Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life!

Thanks for being a part of my life!! Much Love to You All!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My 1st Blog

Today I signed up to do my on own blogspot. Me (a family member - she knows who she is) told me (really me this time) to join so that they can read my wonderful world of goings on. Maybe she will wish I never did this once I start blogging. But oh well, here goes.....

I titled my blog Cooking with Ann because well I just love to cook. I am in the process of writing a cookbook, personal chef'ing for friends and baking lots of cakes that people seem to love. I will be from time to time posting a recipe for those who also like to cook. Though I will not be giving my secrets away to my cakes. So don't ask....I will have to tell you no - but I would love to bake you one. Prices will follow later.....ha,ha,ha. Just kidding. Now that I think about it, I don't bake them for free so I take that back but would still love to bake one for you.

Anyway I look forward to sharing with you recipes, life's ups and downs and of course God's Love for all of us. Wish me luck on this new bloggin thing.....